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January 20, 2011


Monica Spencer

Great idea!!

Receipt Number : 1045706
Donation Amount $ 20.00 AUD
Red Cross Victorian Floods Appeal 2011

Dawn Lange

Wow Monica- you are awesome!!!!

Dawn Lange

And remember to enter three more comments for more chances to win the giveaway!!


Hi Dawn!

Receipt Number : 1045746
Donation Amount $ 10.00 AUD
Red Cross Victorian Floods Appeal 2011


Wow! This transaction with australia prompted a call from my credit card company's fraud detection service for unusual activity. Way to keep an eye on things bank of america!


If I put in 10 AUS Dollars in the website what's the exchange in American dollars?

Dawn Lange


Adrienne  Barker

Beautiful job knitting and yummy yarn!

Receipt Number : 1046797
Donation Amount $ 20.00 AUD
Red Cross Victorian Floods Appeal 2011

coastchick at gmail dot com


Receipt Number : 1047811
Donation Amount $ 5.00 AUD
Red Cross Victorian Floods Appeal 2011
Good on you for making your first giveaway a 'chariable one'! thanks

chama woydak

Your donation has been successfully processed! Your receipt number is 3234248.
Customer: Chama Woydak
Title: Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal
Amount Ex GST: $10.00
Total Amount: $10.00

Yay! Thank you so much for doing such wonderful work! I am so winning those gloves!!!!!

chama woydak

Your donation has been successfully processed! Your receipt number is 3234248.
Customer: Chama Woydak
Title: Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal
Amount Ex GST: $10.00
Total Amount: $10.00

Girl, here's my number 2 winning post!


Receipt Number : 1048050
Donation Amount $ 10.00 AUD
Red Cross Victorian Floods Appeal 2011

Pick me, pick me!

Dawn Lange

OK, so since a random number generator is picking the winner, I was not supposed to leave comments (otherwise, it could pick me as a winner). I will be counting my first three comments as Monica's other three entries. This comment, along with the next two, will count as Adrienne's, since she also paid $20 but only left one comment. I promise it is fair!!

Dawn Lange


Dawn Lange



$75!! That's awesome, way to go Dawn!

nike Air max BW

That's awesome

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