With a back yard like this, it's easy to be excited about the small signs of growth. Even when things seem dark and dreary, life is everywhere.
Like in our strawberry bed. The chickens ate all the strawberry plants last year, so I wasn't sure any would grow back this year even though they're perennial plants. I am very pleasantly surprised to see that they are!
The lilac is growing very well this year. Maybe this will be its first year with flowers!
Soon our front yard will be covered with these little beauties.
And then there is the rose that can. This is a transplant from a rose bush that dates back to 1920 (maybe you know the date better, Mom?). It was originally a plant that my great-grandfather gave to my great-grandmother. I never met them so it is pretty special to be able to grow something that can remind me of them. We drove the cutting back from Wisconsin and it endured a stay in Chicago before it was placed in its home in the earth. I feel that this little rose plant, just beginning to bud, is a kindred spirit. I feel I am at a similar place in life: not at my full potential, trying so hard to grow... not giving up. I am new like this little baby plant and yet connected to something so much older.
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