We got a new computer (a Mac Mini!) with our tax return!! I am astonished with how fast photos download. I am so delighted that I decided to share a bunch of photos from our Easter preparation and celebration, even though the holiday has come and gone.
Several weeks ago, we planted wheatberries in our Easter baskets to grow our own Easter grass. I bought two cups of berries, soaked them overnight, and then the kids put them on top of some organic potting soil in plastic lined baskets.
They started growing after two days.
The finished baskets on Easter morning! I am pretty sure that the Easter bunny got the personalized wooden eggs and the wooden bunnies from Etsy.
We tried two new kinds of egg dying this year. My favorite of the two was to wrap rubberbands around the egg for stripes.
Esme' made these two by herself (I put the rubberbands on).
We also made some eggs by dying them and then drawing on top of them with watercolor pencils. I wasn't as thrilled with this process and neither were the kids, but some of the eggs turned out cute. The ones with the names, the bunny and the flower were done in this way.
For our Easter craft, the kids set to immediately eating their eggs and we saved all of the beautifully colored shells to do this project.
And, our decorations for the day. I made sure to buy perennials, so that we can put them in the ground and enjoy them next year.
Happy late Easter everyone!
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