We just got our "new" chicken coop, so I think it is about time to tell ya'll about our wonderful flock of birds. I have so much to say about chickens that I don't even know where to
start. My dad and I raised chickens when I was young, and I think I
always knew I'd have them someday with my own children. I didn't know
it would be this soon, but after visiting a friend in Minnesota last
summer (Hi Greta!!), and seeing Esme' fall in love with chickens, my
mind was made up. I told her we would get them the following spring. My dad and sister, Angela, came to visit and help us get started with the chickens. Dad and I built a decent coop out of old materials we had lying around the driveway and basement. We bought nothing! Then we went out to a local farm to pick our chicks. We started out by getting 4 Australorps and 2 Bantams. We each picked a day-old chick. We named them Darlene (I named her after my Grandma who loves chickens), Esmerelda, Isabella, Fluffy, Dutchie and Ofie (which was kind of a nonsense word that Asher came up with for "his" chick). Isabella and Ofie turned out to be roosters, so we found a new home for them several months ago. Here are some photos of our original flock. In the first photo, our beloved Fluffy is on the far left. She was a very small Bantam.
Look at how happy Esme' is with the chickens (those are happy tears)!! This little girl is so sensitive... and I love her for it!
Below is a photo of Isabella, the Bantam rooster that went to a farm with Ofie. We miss you Isabella!!!
Everyone in our house became very fond of Fluffy. She was treated more like a cat or dog than a chicken. We held her every day, sang her to sleep in our arms, and sometimes let her come to different rooms (rather than just the bathroom where we kept all the baby chicks until they were ready to go outside). The following bunch of photos are of her. Our lovely Fluffy was killed by a raccoon after she was outside for just a few days. It still chokes me up to think about our sweet little girl, the chicken like no other.
The last three photos show Esme' with Fluffy on the day that she was killed. She had such a beautiful, loving last day. She probably experienced more love in her 3 months of life than most chickens do in their whole lives! You can see, in the very last photo, the very real and deep connection that Esme' and Fluffy shared. I think I will stop for now and come back soon for more of our chicken story.
Since I am dedicating this post to Fluffy, I want to mention, briefly, a few thoughts about her.
- She was so tiny, but she was the Queen of her flock! She showed all the other girls how to get around the coop. She was always on top of the water or food jars, trying to look bigger than she was.
- The skin around her eye used to turn pink. Off and on. Very cute.
- We like to imagine that her eggs were going to be pink.
We miss you and will always remember and love you, Fluffy.
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